Review: LaCroix Berry

La Croix has undoubtedly become synonymous with the world of sparkling water for many, myself included. It’s a brand that has managed to carve out a special place in the hearts and palates of people around the world. The mention of La Croix instantly conjures images of effervescent refreshment and a distinct sense of nostalgia.

For me, the La Croix Berry flavor holds a particularly significant place in my sparkling water journey. It’s a flavor that introduced me to the world of sparkling water and sparked my love for the effervescent beverage. When I think of sparkling water, it’s La Croix Berry that immediately comes to mind.

Flavor Intensity

In the first moments of sipping La Croix Berry, your taste buds come alive. The berry notes, whether they be strawberry, raspberry, or a mix of various berries, bloom on your palate with an intensity that’s hard to miss. It’s a delightful sensation, akin to the vibrant burst of flavor you get when you first start chewing a piece of bubblegum. The taste is sweet, crisp, and invigorating, offering a momentary escape from the ordinary.

But here’s where the analogy diverges. While bubblegum tends to maintain its flavor for a longer duration, the La Croix Berry flavor is unique in its brevity. In a mere half-second or so, you start to notice the flavor dissipating, like the gradual fading of bubblegum taste as you continue to chew. It’s as if La Croix Berry tantalizes your senses, teases your taste buds, and then retreats just as swiftly as it appeared.

Score: 5.3/10

Flavor Accuracy

The title “Berry” suits this flavor the best, as it encompasses a broad spectrum of potential berry tastes. While it certainly evokes the essence of berries, pinpointing the exact berry composition remains elusive. It firmly resides in the middle ground of berry flavors.

Score 6.7/10


Similar to most aspects of this beverage, the bubbles offer a pleasant but fleeting experience. I find them to be genuinely enjoyable and understated. If you happen to be sensitive to the sensation of carbonation, this should prove to be a suitable beverage choice.

Score: 5.1/10


La Croix Berry holds a special place in my heart as the drink that initially piqued my interest in the world of sparkling water. It was my introduction to the effervescent and subtly flavored beverage category, and for that, I’ll always appreciate it. However, as I revisit it now, I can’t help but notice how much the landscape of sparkling water has evolved and improved.

When I first encountered La Croix Berry, it was a revelation. Its refreshing berry essence was a delightful departure from ordinary still water, and its gentle carbonation added a playful element to my hydration routine. It was a gateway into a world of healthier beverage choices, free from the excess sugar and artificial additives found in many other drinks.

Yet, as time has passed, I’ve had the opportunity to explore a wide array of sparkling water brands and flavors. The competition in this market has led to innovations and improvements that have set a higher bar for the overall sparkling water experience. The flavors have become more vibrant and diverse, and the carbonation levels have been fine-tuned to perfection in many newer offerings.

So, while I would still enjoy a La Croix Berry if offered, it’s no longer the standout choice for me. It has settled into a comfortable middle ground in the ever-expanding world of sparkling water. It’s a testament to how far the industry has come that La Croix Berry, once a pioneering option, now blends into the background as other brands rise to the forefront.

This isn’t to say that La Croix Berry has lost its appeal entirely. It’s a familiar and dependable option, and its mild, approachable flavor still has its merits. It’s just that the landscape of sparkling water has grown more exciting and diverse, and there are now more enticing options to explore. La Croix Berry, once a trailblazer in my sparkling water journey, is now taking a backseat as I continue to discover new flavors and experiences in this evolving realm of refreshment.

Score: 5.2/10

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