Review: Waterloo Watermelon

Watermelon has to be one of the most refreshing foods on the planet. After all, it has water right in the name. By that logic, what could be more refreshing than watermelon water. If it isn’t, water we even doing here. Let’s see how Waterloo’s watermelon flavor stacks up.

Flavor Intensity

The initial sip comes with a pop of fruity flavor. The flavor does not last very long, but it makes my mouth water and really does feel juicy. I would love for it to last a bit longer, but it is a very strong flavor.

Score: 8.2/10

Flavor Accuracy

The instant reaction when taking a drink is that the flavor is distinctly watermelon. It is missing some of the nuance of actual watermelon, but you get the sense of the light sweetness that you get from a watermelon.

Score 7.5/10


The bubbles are subtle at the beginning, but you feel them more as soon as the first drink is down. They then immediately dissipate, but they leave a pleasant tingle for 30 seconds or more

Score: 8.5/10


Waterloo always makes good flavors, and this is certainly another winner. However, I think the flavor is slightly one dimensional in comparison to some of their other offerings. A little bit more nuance would make this one of the very best waters around.

Score: 8.4/10

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